Project #10 Translation Device


Following the 7 feminist data principles, creating a translation device that translates external JSON datasets into feminist data. I choose to use the USGS’s earthquake data with the New York Times’ data and compare what is the actual number of earthquakes being published.

Design Process

I started to generate ideas of what api I want to use with the earthquake. And I have the idea if I could get the twitters’ api about the tweets they tweet about the earthquake so I went ahead and get a developer account and send them an email requesting the key to use, and I got approved but it was only working in CSS which I don’t familiar with so I changed into the news api. Giving you the general idea of how are the people being effected and how many people is aware of this. I have three sketches for this idea and choose the middle one to work with. I choose to show all the earthquakes above magnitude 4 which people actually start to feel the earthquake and the data are within one month in 2020, same with the news api. It was about 922 earthquakes in US, but only 26 was published and recorded in news.

So,in my project, the news data is represented in the purple dots, linked white lines and sorted by dates, and the incrementes (wavy effects) are the frequency of reporting the news. While, the earthquakes data is represented in yellow dots sorted by dates. The incrementes (wavy effects) are the magnitude of the earthquakes above 4.

Down below is my sketches:


Not a lot of people was aware of these many earthquakes are happening, so this device is a data visualization of how you should get more aware of things happening around and people who are affected by that. It was a really nice way to dig into the api and researches about how to use it into our project. It was the first time I do something with actual data and went ahead to get connections with twitter to ask if I could use their api. Although I didn’t have the chance to use it this time, It is an opportunity for me to have more confidence in myself when reaching out asking for data as well as finding more connections when researching. I also did concern the 7 feminist principles in rethinking binaries and hierarchies, embracing pluralism, considering context to make it more visible.